Нand-made Collections of hand made knitwear + best Theatre of Fashion


Быть или не быть? Вот в чем!
Author's knitwear of Svetlana Tipatova

I had a dream...

the mosaic, which I was long working on, was finally assembled. The Fairy was animating each frozen image…

In the morning the "Twelve Months" collection
started to revive...

Today on the podium it induces rhapsodic applauds

Home page Collection THE WAFFLES
Нand-made Collection THE TIME OF SPRING
Нand-made Collection  ARE YOU WARM, GIRL
Нand-made Under the glance
The school for top-model masters What is over there, on backstage?
Через несколько минут коллекции заговорят What was? What  will be?  1+1=3
Collections of hand made knitwear + best Theatre of Fashion Let's talk. Guest book
Your questions - our answers Podium? Partners, links, types of cooperation
Our partners

Your opinions, indents, invitations send by address: E-mail: i@tipatova.com.ua
For the fast connection call: +1038 (057) 338-48-60
Быть или не быть? Вот в чем!

Home page | Collection THE WAFFLES | Collection THE TIME OF SPRING | Collection ARE YOU WARM, GIRL
Under the glance | What is over there, on backstage? | What was? What will be? | Let's talk? | Podium | Our partners | E-mail
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