Нand-made Collections of hand made knitwear + best Theatre of Fashion

Collection ARE YOU WARM, GIRL?

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Author's knitwear of Svetlana Tipatova


Day before winter
Home page/Home page Collection THE TWELVE MONTHS
Нand-made Collection THE WAFFLES
Нand-made Collection THE TIME OF SPRING
Нand-made Under the glance
The school for top-model masters What is over there, on backstage?
Через несколько минут коллекции заговорят What was? What  will be?  1+1=3
Collections of hand made knitwear + best Theatre of Fashion Let's talk. Guest book
Your questions - our answers Podium? Partners, links, types of cooperation
Our partners

Your opinions, indents, invitations send by address: E-mail: i@tipatova.com.ua
For the fast connection call: +1038 (057) 338-48-60
Быть или не быть? Вот в чем!

Home page | Collection THE TWELVE MONTHS" | Collection THE WAFFLES | Collection THE TIME OF SPRING | Under the glance
What is over there, on backstage? | What was? What will be? | Let's talk? | Podium | Our partners | E-mail
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